Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sushi Express

Eww.. did I just really go there. Well, friends I figured I might as well take this blog as an opportunity to rant a little. I know, I know, Sushi Express is the Mikey D's of sushi but, still I can't help to wonder how it can stay in business. Some of you might say it's because it is cheap, but that's exactly the problem. In order to keep those low prices they serve you half to a quarter of normal proportions and not to mention, the quality of the fish that you are consuming is terrible. Pink colored tuna ALL the time eww... If you feel like spending 30 NT getting full from balls of rice go there. Otherwise "save" your money and go to a real sushi bar, they are everywhere and trust me I think you will be surprised at how little the price difference is when you only need to order 1 of something.

-small shitty cuts of fish
-it is easy to find one to avoid

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